Data Protection and Data Rights Requests

Home and Legacy Insurance Services Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Allianz Holdings plc. Following an extensive review, and a decision taken by Allianz Holdings plc, the Home & Legacy business will be closing. The business will close from 30th June 2024.

Following the closure of the business individuals’ personal information that has been provided to us for any purposes will have been processed and held in accordance with our Privacy Notice

Our Privacy Notice explains how the law protects individuals, explains their data rights and how they can contact us about them. 

Any personal information that has provided to us will only be held for as long as necessary after the closure of the business, for example to enable us to respond to any questions or complaints or because of  contractual, legal, or regulatory requirements that must be met.

If you wish to contact Home & Legacy with a data rights request.


Any personal Information that Home & Legacy may have shared with insurers or providers of services that individuals may have received will be held in accordance with their privacy policies. These notices are usually available on their websites but they can be contacted for this information.

Find insurers and service provider contact details.